These balls are firm yet squishy foam rubber 2.5" inch in diameter Final load baseballs.
Great for a final load with your cups and balls
Posted by Daryl on 12th Feb 2015
I use a professional set of copper cuts with a beautiful aged patina. These are relatively standard in size but a 2.5" ball is a bit too large for use with them. For my cups 2.25" would allow an easier revelation. In addition, the set comes with only three balls. The best final load revelation is always performed using a fourth loaded item: ball, fruit, potato, whatever. It's that last one that seems to close the deal, so to speak, and I have noticed a significant difference in audience reaction between three and four surprise revelations. Just a thought I offer for anyone's consideration. It was a little bit of extra magic taught by Frank Garcia and it has paid off very well. So I suggest a set of 4 balls as more complete. You might want to pick up that extra ball if the mouth of your cup can handle this size load.